Mimi An says, “Over the years, I’ve seen my fair share of bad surveys. Those tend to be easier to identify than good ones. You’ve probably taken some yourself — they often have poorly worded questions and tend to drag on forever.

Good surveys, on the other hand, are forgettable. The best experience you can aim for is for the respondent to finish and think, “Well, that was tolerable.”

Want to learn how to create good surveys? There are some basic guidelines to make sure people walk away without feeling frustrated from an overly complicated survey design. Here are a few tips you should follow.

1) Make the survey as short as possible.

Focus on what’s really important. What data do you need to make your argument, launch your campaign, or change a product? Extraneous, “good to know” questions bog down surveys and deaden their focus“.

How to Create Surveys People Won’t Hate Taking


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