Patricio Robles says, “On Friday, Facebook announced that the algorithm it uses to determine which content appears first in user News Feeds will now take into account how long users spend viewing posts.

In a blog post, Facebook engineers Ansha Yu and Sami Tas explained how the new ranking factor will work:

For example, you may scroll quickly through your News Feed and like a photo of your friend’s graduation, followed by sharing a funny post from your sister. You keep scrolling and happen upon a post your cousin shared detailing everything she did and saw on her recent trip. Her post even includes a photo.

You spend time reading her post and the interesting discussion about the best places to eat that had broken out in the comments on this post, but you don’t feel inclined to like or comment on it yourself. Based on the fact that you didn’t scroll straight past this post and it was on the screen for more time than other posts that were in your News Feed.

Facebook News Feed update weighs time spent on posts

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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