New video technology, called Viddify, adds interactive, attention grabbing bribes inside of your videos to make them more compelling.

Without reshooting your videos or even writing new scripts, you can make them more “sticky”, so people will not want to click away.

Estimates are saying that every second your video plays, you lose about 6% of your viewers. That means these viewers aren’t hearing your sales message, and probably aren’t buying your product, because without listening, they don’t know what you have to offer.

Viddify is the invention of Bobby Walker, Joey Xoto and Sam Finlay. It inserts into your video (at whatever spots you choose) incentives for people to continue watching and listening. It might be a contest; it might be a bonus; it could be whatever you want.

Viddify employs 2 powerful psychological techniques to ethically compel people to watch your videos right till the end:
• Drag and drop an interactive quiz into your video, right where people are dropping off.
• Promise a discount or bonus early in the video, saying “We’ll tell you how to get your discount or bonus at the end”. Then, with the help of the expected discount/bonus, you can hold their attention throughout the video so they can fully understand how your product will help them. Then, at the end, explain how to get the discount.

With Viddify, you will find that there are unlimited ways you can creatively combine rewards with your content to boost your bottom line significantly.

This weekend only, they are reducing the price (until 11 AM EDT, Monday). After that, they aren’t promising what they price will be, but they say it will at least double.

So, don’t delay. Get your copy now: Viddify.

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