Precious Ngwu is releasing his newest product, Video Studio, Monday, July 6 @ 11am EDT.

Ngwu says that this new software is the fastest method to get traffic & sales with videos.

Video Studio is a video marketing solution that you can use to automatically optimize your videos to produce fresh traffic and double the engagement viewers have with your videos.

Today, at 10 AM (in preparation for the doors opening at 11 AM), Ngwu and the rest of the team behind this automated video site builder is doing a live webinar to demonstrate how they take an ordinary video and turn it video into a profitable asset in minutes.

Register for the webinar (unfortunately, there will be no replays) here: Video Studio.

When you register for the webinar, you also get 100% free access to the “Video ROI Machine” software that optimizes your videos.

Then, when you attend the webinar, you get a chance to win a copy of Video Studio that they will be giving away.

Then, at 11am EDT today, Video Studio will launch as a special discount offer on JVZoo.

The early bird pricing will only last a short time, so get in quickly.

IM Newswatch has prepared four singular bonuses that will be delivered once your invest in Video Studio app through out link.

These bonuses are premium software and tools that you can with with Video Studio on every video sales campaign you work on.

Here are our bonuses:

1. Traffic ROI Automator (Video Edition)

For over 2 years, the Traffic ROI Automator has been the “go to” app for optimizing videos on autopilot for improved profits.

This software taps into a unique angle for its own video marketing, called “Borrowed Authority Strategy”.

This strategy works so well that it positions you as an authority in your niche.

2. Push Air Traffic App

This may be the single best traffic automation software to supplement your Video Studio purchase.

Video Studio can get you fresh content, fresh traffic and new sales. but on top of that, Push Air Traffic will bring in targeted traffic to your websites.

3. Social Lead Vision

This training course is currently selling online for $97 but today when you invest in Video Studio from our link, we have arranged access for you at no charge.

Social Lead Vision will show you how to use cold Facebook PPC traffic to collect leads at an remarkable conversion rate so you can grow your business rapidly.

Students who are using this course in their business are reporting great success. Normally, it costs $97 to get access but you will get it as a no-charge bonus with Video Studio.

4. $100k in 90 Days Affiliate Formula

This video is an “over the shoulder” look at how one marketer managed to bring in 6 figures in 90 days using videos in his affiliate marketing.

You’ll get all the templates, swipes and setups he uses in his affiliate marketing. You’ll also get access to his $100k in 90 Days case study.

He will show you how he accomplished everything with the help of strategically optimized videos.

Don’t miss the team’s webinar today at 10am EDT. When you attend, the team will show you the secret traffic source Ngwu uses and how to use videos to make sales daily on auto-pilot.

Plus, you will lock in your early bird access to Video Studio at 11am EDT today.

Register for the webinar right now before 10: Video Studio Launch Webinar.

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