The better you understand the niche you are marketing in, the better you will be able to sell effectively in that niche. That’s the principle behind Niche Genetics Expert, just released by Abbas Ravji

This new web-based software that you access with your browser helps you get an in-depth understanding of your niche, showing you:
• A complete, in-depth analysis of Google’s ranking algorithm as it applies to your niche
• Complete Keyword & Niche Research, so you can focus on the high-traffic/low competition keywords that will deliver you the most traffic and the best-targeted traffic
• A reverse engineered view of your competition so you can out-rank them baed on this powerful analysis (and it takes only a few steps)

Ravji says that the ranking suggestions from his new software leave nothing to chance (so there is no risk), and these techniques won’t ever get you in trouble with Google, no matter how the algorithms change in the future.

Google gives you all the information you need to rank your site. It’s there in the google rankings. You just need to know how to decipher it. That’s what Niche Genetics Expert does for you.

It’s a 3-step process:
Step 1. Identify the best high search volume, low competition buyer keywords
Step 2. Reverse-engineer the top-ranking sites to find out why they are doing so well for those keywords
Step 3. Based on the data you gather, you optimize your sites and watch your ranking rise for those keywords

That would be hard to do manually, but Niche Genetics Expert makes it easy.

Since Niche Genetics Expert runs on a server at its own website, there is nothing for you to install. Whether you use Windows, Mac or Linux (or even Android or IOS), you can use this software with your browser.

You can get the whole story here and sign up (get the life-time package; it’s the best deal, by far): Niche Genetics Expert.

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