‘The Missing Link Between Shopper Marketing And E-Commerce’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article
Benjamin Spiegel says, “As much as we all love terms like “breaking down silos” and “omni-channel,” we all know there is a big divide between the online and offline worlds. The reality is that we still have a long way to go in integrating our digital with our offline activities; this is especially true for the shopping realm.
Digital shopping is widely believed to be the future of commerce. If it were up to companies like Amazon, Instacart and Facebook, we would be purchasing all our goodsvia digital channels.
One exciting aspect of e-commerce is the massive amount of data it generates. Every interaction creates hundreds of unique records. Today, savvy marketers use these unique behaviors and transaction data to create real-time segments and to deliver dynamic content and product attributes in order to maximize basket size and conversion rates“.
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