Martin Beck says, “That brands should be “human” on social media has become a cliche. Worse, in some cases, brands take the advice too far and make embarrassing attempts to act like humans of a certain age. (See the Brands Saying Bae Twitter account.)

But when it comes to customer service, authentic humanity works very well. That was the most surprising finding to come out of research that Twitter published this month, Twitter research manager Meghann Elrhoul told Marketing Land.

Brands that got personal in customer service interactions did far better than those that kept it businesslike. It’s just that simple.

“That’s an easy step that brands can take to forge the relationship,” Elrhoul said. “Customers are really looking for a humanized connection. They want to feel that they are talking to a real person and having that personalization helps add that component.”

The comparison, drawn from a survey of 14,000 people who engaged with brands’ customer service Twitter accounts, is stark“.

Twitter’s Advice For Better Customer Service: Get Personal

Marketing Land

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