‘7 Things I Wish Instagram Would Fix, From Regramming To Allowing Links’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article
Danny Sullivan says, “This year marked a return for me to Instagram, where my account had largely been dormant. I’ve greatly enjoyed my time on the service, but I find several things maddening. Here’s what I see wrong with Instagram, despite its great success.
1) You Can’t Regram Natively
If I see something awesome on Twitter or Facebook, it’s easy for me to share that with others. On Instagram, there’s no such luck. If I want to “regram” an image, I either need to use a third-party tool or make a copy and credit the originator.
Neither is satisfactory. Moreover, as The Awl points out today, it leads to possible copyright infringement or failure for originators of great content to accrue proper credit“.
7 Things I Wish Instagram Would Fix, From Regramming To Allowing Links
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