You were probably taught to do affiliate marketing by sending people from your email list to a sales page for the product you are promoting. That’s the standard process.

Kevin Fahey has a new training product, called IM Affiliate Funnel. And in it he shows a better method for affiliate marketing.

In this training, Fahey breaks down his entire process so you can follow him and improve your own affiliate marketing results.

In fact, he has 2 free training videos on his sales page (just scroll down) that you can learn from, even without investing in his whole program.

Fahey is showing what he actually does in his own business, and he reports that with this training:
• You’ll improve your marketing skills.

• You will have the knowledge to generate more income

• And you can pass these skills on to others. Sharing this knowledge can be your own product or service for back end sales.

So there are multiple ways for you to win with IM Affiliate Funnel.

This new affiliate marketing strategy will allow you to scale your business way beyond what you thought was possible.

Kevin doesn’t hold back. In this training he reveals his methods for earning hundreds of thousands of dollars in affiliate commissions over the last seven years. You were probably taught to do affiliate marketing by sending people from your email list to a sales page for the product you are promoting.

From generating traffic, building a subscriber list, following up, offering bonuses and much more. He is revealing his entire affiliate marketing strategy with no stone left unturned.

Fahey’s strategy will work in any niche, for any marketer, even if you are completely new to the niche.

And he reports that you can use this strategy with free traffic.

Fahey’s strategy will work in any niche, for any marketer, even if you are completely new to the niche.

Check it out now, though, because the special launch price is only valid for a couple more days, and even now, the price is rising in a dime sale. Get this new training here: IM Affiliate Funnel.

But wait; there’s more. For our readers, IM NewsWatch has arranged 5 bonuses that will supplement Fahey’s training:

Bonus 1 : Professional WordPress Tracking Script
Bonus 2 : Solo Ad Escape – From $5,000 To $20,000 Per Month
Bonus 3 : Open Rate Explosion – Increase Your Open Rates By 400%
Bonus 4 : 90 Minute LIVE Webinar Training with Kevin Fahey
Bonus 5 : It’s A Surprise. You’ll Simply Love it.

Get this whole package, including bonuses, here IM Affiliate Funnel.

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