‘Google’s Alphabet: It’s All About Getting New Ideas Into Orbit’ – ‘ReadWrite’
Christopher Lochhead says, “Asking why Google created Alphabet is the wrong question.
The right questions to ask are: Why did Google miss social networking? How is it that limo company Carey didn’t see the opportunity in smartphone-powered transportation and Uber’s founders did? Why did it take SAP until 2011 to get into cloud apps, twelve years after the founding of Salesforce.com? And how come most of the innovation in technology security is coming from startups and not Symantec, McAfee, or Bluecoat?
Existing Markets Have Gravitational Pull
We believe the answer to these questions lie in what might be the most powerful force in business—the gravitational pull of existing markets. Gravity drags executives of existing businesses toward perfectly rationale decisions like listening to customers, meeting salespeople’s requests, responding to competitors’ moves, and thinking about new features for current products“.
Google’s Alphabet: It’s All About Getting New Ideas Into Orbit
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