Jonathan Crossfield says, “I’m a strong believer that good writing should never sit on the fence, which is why I was pretty scathing in my column last year about social media automation. If a magazine column can be said to have a sequel, then this one should probably be retitled “Automation Wars 2: Jeff Bullas Strikes Back.”

Except Jeff is so likeable in person, I doubt he’s capable of striking anyone, never mind a grumpy magazine columnist. Jeff is consistently ranked as one of the most influential social media marketers in the world. A key part of his strategy is social media automation.

So, if there is a fence for me to not be sitting on, then Jeff is definitely on the other side. What should two chaps do when they have a disagreement? I invited Jeff to lunch“.

Social Media Automation: A Little Less Conversation, a Little More Action

Content Marketing Institute

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