James Parsons says, “Ever think about Google Panda? It feels a little “old hat” to talk about it, since it’s now nearly five years old. But this service, which ruthlesssly searches the Internet for pages that don’t meet its quality standards — and penalizes sites with substandard content, is still worth addressing. The reason: It’s still hurting sites. Panda was rolled into the main Google algorithm, but semi-regular Panda updates still occur semi-regularly.

One opinion out there says that content of a certain age doesn’t matter, that Google (and Panda) knows that older content is often ignored by readers and is more or less irrelevant. But that’s not true. Old, poor-quality content does hurt your search ranking, as long as that low-quality content remains on your site and is accessible to the search engine“.

How Removing Old Website Content Can Improve Your Traffic

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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