‘How to Craft a Sales One-Liner That Stops Buyers in Their Tracks’ – HubSpot
Leslie Ye says, “Value, value, value. It’s the key to modern selling and one of the only thing buyers care about when making a purchasing decision.
But conveying value isn’t always easy. It can be confusing to separate what a product is from what it does and what that means for buyers.
The important thing is to think about form, function, and value separately. Here’s an example:
- What the product is: An umbrella
- What the product does: Shields its holder with a dome of waterproof fabric
- What the product offers: Prevents buyers from getting wet in the rain
The last sentence is by far the most compelling. I also most clearly explains why a prospect would want to purchase an umbrella“.
How to Craft a Sales One-Liner That Stops Buyers in Their Tracks
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