Pete Walter says, “Noel Gallagher is a famous devotee (and by his own admission sometimes larcenist) of the 60s and 70s, and therefore very analogue, music. In a recent interview the sometime Oasis singer-songwriter concluded a story about his bemusement with his 15-year-old daughter’s lack of awareness of the pre-digital era with the exasperation “if it’s not on her phone it doesn’t exist.”

The same could be said of many millennial entrepreneurs, who having been brought up with smartphones and tablets don’t contemplate a marketing strategy beyond social media and digital.

According to Social Media Examiner’s latest annual report, 97 percent of marketers are using social media, with 92 percent saying that social is important.

There’s one further statistic from the same report that threatens to prick the ever-inflating social media balloon. The stat reveals that most solopreneurs are spending up to a chunky 10 hours a week (potentially a quarter of their work time) on social media, despite the fact that only 33 percent of them thought social media marketing was actually effective“.

Should You Ditch Social Media and Focus on Becoming a Niche Expert?

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