Tyler Perry says, “Startups love to talk about being in “stealth mode.” It sounds so sexy, clandestine and illicit, doesn’t it?

The realities of “stealth” are not always so sexy. In fact, it’s fairly debatable if companies should even operate in stealth.

Some startups want to stay super secretive to prevent someone else from stealing their idea. Others believe that staying quiet builds a bit of allure around your brand, which could turn into anticipation or buzz — the dream of many budding entrepreneurs. This infographic paints a sobering picture of the reality — that 100 million startups launch every year. Is yours that special or newsworthy?

So how do you know it’s time to launch? Sadly, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but there are a few key questions that will help you determine when the best time to go live.“.

4 questions every founder needs to ask themselves before launching their startup

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