‘How to Master the Art of the Upsell′ by Jay Baer
Baer says, “Much like the old saying that compares new friends to silver and old friends to gold, current customers are often your best customers.
Unless you’re a monopoly or a bloated government agency, logic dictates that you must strive to keep your current clients happy. After all, the only thing that spreads faster than good news is a bad reputation. Treating existing customers right is key to getting new business in the first place. Naturally, upselling existing customers should be a key part of any business plan. (highlight to tweet)
Before we continue, it’s important to distinguish between cross-selling andupselling.
Cross selling is selling a client supplementary services or products that can help satisfy a need that previously went unfilled. An example would be an IT firm offering a client an overhaul of their databases in addition to network security services”.
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