Baer says, “Ask any journalist her biggest pet peeve when dealing with brands, and she’ll probably tell you it’s PR teams’ spammy emails.

We live in an increasingly sophisticated marketing world, but many PR and marketing departments still think a mass-emailed press release will earn them media mentions and industry credibility.

This strategy will get your emails sent directly to the trash, not to mention drive many a PR-weary journalist to drink. Traditional press releases suffer from dwindling ROIs and short-lived impact, which is why brands need to amplify their voices through authoritative, resonant content strategies.

Brands like Casper and Dollar Shave Club are getting personal with their content. They’ve hired in-house editorial teams to meet customers at their most intimate moments: in bed and in the bathroom. They’re endearing themselves to the public through unique and influential content, generating increased interest in their products”.

Drive Sales and Increase Conversions With These Types of Content

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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