’21 News Feed Updates That Have Changed How Pages Use Facebook’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article
Martin Beck says, “It would be difficult to overstate the importance of Facebook’s News Feed to marketers. You can think of it as an epic quest to gain access to Facebook’s multitudes — a search for the Holy Grail of social media visibility.
And Facebook is continually shifting the path — some would say adding roadblocks — by making adjustments to its News Feed algorithm, the complicated set of rules that controls what people see on the social network. Facebook’s aim, of course, is to create the most interesting stream of content possible, personalized for each of its 1.5 billion users. The “perfect personalized newspaper” is how Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg terms it.
In search of perfection, Facebook engineers constantly tweak the algorithm, using machine learning to study how people react and engage with content from friends and Pages. It’s complicated — two years ago, the algorithm was said to weigh as many as 100,000 factors — and getting more so over time“.
21 News Feed Updates That Have Changed How Pages Use Facebook
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