Jessica Gioglio says, “If you’ve been reading my columns on Convince & Convert lately, you’ll notice that I am covering JetBlue quite a bit. From a better wingman, to ads so good you want to steal them, JetBlue has been on a roll – and there seems to be no end in sight.

While I typically like to mix my columns up to cover different companies, JetBlue’s latest campaign struck a chord with both Jay and me. Called, “HumanKinda,” the campaign addresses something many of us can empathize with—feeling too busy.

To bring the concept of HumanKinda to life, JetBlue took a unique approach by partnering with director Bianca Giaever and host Sam Richardson to create a documentary just shy of 16-minutes long. In the documentary, the stories of two extraordinarily busy people are shared, including a single mom named Jennifer with a never-ending to-do list and Ryan, an entrepreneurial guy who has 8 jobs.

As viewers get to know about their lives and stories, you cannot help but understand the downside of being too busy.

Are We Too Busy For Great Marketing?

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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