Thomas Stern says, “I’ll just come right out and say it – click-bait content doesn’t work anymore, and consumers are sick of it.

Over the last ten years, social content has evolved alongside user expectations and the sheer volume of content production. Today, a demand for entertainment and education has been balanced with a need for transparency and value.

It’s time to produce user-focused content your consumers want to read.

Despite the whispers around the Internet, click-bait is not a product of the digital age. As far back as 100 years ago, journalists have used a catchy headline that pulls users in but falls short of expectations. Today, users have made a shift to hold content producers accountable to the promises they make.

To maintain your authority and engagement, brands need to understand these shifts in content and user expectations to deliver quality content“.

Click Bait Be Gone: How User-Focused Content Has Changed Engagement Expectations

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