Digital Marketing Depot is hosting a webinar on ‘No Lead Untouched: How to Boost Lead Conversion’ on Thursday, November 19 at 1.00 pm EST.

DMD team says, “A recent study by Conversica revealed that B2B companies are spending 50% of their marketing and sales budgets on generating leads that are never pursued. It’s a classic sales dilemma: how often do you reach out to a lead before moving on to the next one?

There’s no set formula for how often to mail or call, and over what period of time. Your marketing and sales teams may also have two different views on the most cost effective
conversion process.

So how do you align your teams and optimize your efforts at reaching out and touching every lead? In this webcast, Barry Levine and Gary Gerber will talk about the latest Marketing and Sales Automation software and show you how to boost sales conversion to maximize the return on every lead.

You’ll learn:

  • How to align your sales and marketing efforts to save time and money
  • Best practices for boosting lead conversion rates, with or without automation
  • How to optimize your producers’ time spend and maximize their success
  • How artificial intelligence is revolutionizing companies’ ability to engage prospects”.

‘No Lead Untouched: How to Boost Lead Conversion’ Webinar

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