‘Three Tips for Successful User-Generated Content Campaigns’ – ‘MarketingProfs’ Blog
Amish Tolia says, “Facebook warned brands late last year that beginning in January 2015 people would see fewer promotional page posts in their News Feed and that brands posting that type of content would see “a significant decrease in distribution.”
Essentially, Facebook made it much more difficult for organic content from brand pages to make its way into consumers’ News Feeds. In fact, Facebook posts from brand pages now reach just 2% of their fans, and only 0.73% of top brand fans engage with each post, reports by Ogilvy and Forrester found.
Although Twitter and Instagram don’t hamper organic reach (yet), there is certainly no guarantee that users will see content from brands before it is pushed down by new messages or photos.
So, what’s the answer to combating this decrease in organic reach? (Hint: it’s not paid advertising.)
To successfully reach customers through social media, brands need to rely on consumers to deliver brand messages to other consumers. Accordingly, to foster authentic social conversations, user-generated content (UGC) campaigns are becoming increasingly popular“.
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