In a popular new article on, Travis Bradberry, co-author of the bestselling book Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and co-founder of TalentSmart, examines 9 Habits Of Profoundly Influential People

Bradberry notes that “Influential people have a profound impact on everyone they encounter. Yet, they achieve this only because they exert so much influence inside, on themselves.”

Noting that we generally admire them as well as being subject to their influence, Bradberry goes on to observe, “We see them innovate, speak their mind, and propel themselves forward toward bigger and better things.”

But that is what we observe, so it is necessarily external. The driving forces behind their external behavior are the internal motivations for those behaviors.

As Bradberry says, “Their focused pursuit of excellence is driven by nine habits that you can emulate and absorb until your influence expands…”

Starting with “1. They think for themselves”, Bradberry outlines these 9 habits of mind that make them tick.

Practice these nine habits and your influence will increase, too.

Read Bradberry’s whole article here:: 9 Habits Of Profoundly Influential People.

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