Shep Hyken, New York Times bestselling author, in a guest article on, warns all marketers that attention to customer needs is critical to long-term success.

As Hyken says,

Customers are smarter than ever before. As a result, their expectations of the experience you deliver is higher than ever.

Customers know what good service is, and they expect it.

This includes, for example, how carefully you keep their data secure.

Again, from Hyken’s article,

They are willing to give you information, but, if you don’t use it properly, they will penalize you by disconnecting from you.

Unfortunately, many businesses are not as careful as they need to be to win the respect of their customers. It’s bad for customers, but it’s also bad for the business.

Hyken suggests that if we use technology wisely, we can get a lot better at keeping our customers satidfied. Tewchnology can help us understand them better and, thus respond to them better.

Read the whole article here: Crucial For Businesses To Understand: Customers Are In Control.

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