Cam Secore says, “Marketers and advertisers who understand the importance of customer behavior and psychology consider heuristics (simple, efficient rules—mental shortcuts—that people use to form judgments and make decisions) to target their markets.

Consider the following heuristics and how you can implement associated notions into your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Affect Heuristic

If you’re familiar with the pop novel The Secret, then you know that you can “shape” your reality. In short, you create your surroundings and summon your wants from the universe. Maybe you’re not a believer in such things, but there is a bit of neuroscience involved in the claim.

The affect heuristic involves how we feel and subsequently think: If you’re feeling positive, you will look upon a painting with a similar emotion and see a happy scene; conversely, if you’re in a bad mood, you either point out the negatives of the painting or create your own interpretation of it to fit how you feel. The same scene can be seen quite differently by two people—depending on their moods“.

How to Use Heuristics to Your Marketing Advantage


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