‘4 Marketing Tips for Making Your Social Media Presence Stand Out on Mobile’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog
Entrepreneur team says, “People now spend more time on their smartphones than desktop computers, according to KPCB’s latest data on Internet trends. Though many users rely on mobile devices to check email and text, many also use mobile devices to connect with their social networks. In fact, a study conducted by IDC and Facebook revealed that 70 percent of all Facebook users surveyed interact with social networks on their mobile device at least part of the time — and 61 percent do so each day. Similar research by comScore reveals that 92 percent of Pinterest users are mobile, as are 86 percent of those on Twitter.
Here are a few ways businesses can incorporate mobile marketing into a social media strategy to reach new customers, and deepen engagement with existing ones.
1. Customize your social media profiles for the mobile user.
If you haven’t checked out how your social media profiles look on desktop platforms, and iPhone and Android devices, it’s critical that you do so“.
4 Marketing Tips for Making Your Social Media Presence Stand Out on Mobile
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