‘The Content Marketing Campaign Playbook – Guaranteeing Success in 2016’ – MOZ Blog
Simon Penson says, ““How do I know if my content campaign is going to work?”
This question is the one I get asked more than any other at present, and for good reason; creating hit content, consistently, is one of the biggest challenges in marketing.
I’m certainly not going to pretend that every piece of content I’ve ever been involved in has been a hit. In fact, the opposite is probably closer to the truth — but failure teaches you much more, and allows you to iterate faster.
The result of that heartache and frustration is a process I want to share with you today, one that’s designed to maximize the possibility of success with content campaigns.
It is also important to point out here that I’m not talking about content strategy or the wider picture, but specifically those bigger campaigns that should punctuate your wider marketing plan.
The difference between good and bad ideas
So, why did we fail so many times? Why were truly exceptional campaign ideas not hitting the mark?
The answer to these questions lay both in our ability to answer a handful of very simple questions, and understanding how to align the various marketing disciplines required to ensure you deliver“.
The Content Marketing Campaign Playbook – Guaranteeing Success in 2016
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