Ultimate Content Locker: Use this incentive for stronger sales #ad
When marketer, Jay Garces Jr., first started out as a beginner in CPA marketing, he used the content locking technology from the major CPA Networks.
In one network alone, with this technology, he was able to earn over $26,000.
The idea is that you offer some interesting content on your site, but it is locked until the visitor takes some action, and then the visitor is given access. If the content is compelling, this technique is a powerful incentive for the visitor to take action.
This weekend, Garces released his own software for this powerful technology.
He calls it the Ultimate Content Locker.
The process is simple:
~ A visitor comes to your site to view your content
~ They can’t immediately see it, however, because it’s “locked”
~ To view your content, they must take an action you specify.
Garces used it to get people to sign up for CPA offers because for each sign-up, he was paid.
This content locking process is used by many sites, large and small,. Some CPA networks have implemented it for their clients, too.
But now with Ultimate Content Locker, you don’t have to rely on the CPA networks to lock content; you can own your own copy of this powerful software.
Using this software, you can easily create unlimited content lockers on your site. Build as many as you want and see which ones work best for you.
You can also add unlimited offers to your lockers.
When you use Ultimate Content Locker, there is:
• No more waiting for network approval
• No more worrying about getting kicked out of a Network
• No more relying on only one network to provide you with offers
Garces is running a launch sale through Noon, Tuesday. Don’t let this launch pricing pass you by.
If you’re ready to start making your website more profitable, using locked content, then get the whole story, make your decision, and get this new software here: Ultimate Content Locker.
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