“Crush YouTube” training on sale #ad
If your YouTube video isn’t viewed, it won’t be of much use to your business. That’s why so many marketers work hard at building up their count of views.
The first key to a large number of views is that your video matches the needs of viewers and gives them good content about the topic they are searching for.
There are other helpful techniques that also help in increasing your views, too, but at the top of the list is to create a good video about a frequently searched topic.
Tom Norrgrann has studied and experimented to find out what works in helping a video rise to the top and get lots of clicks. He has now released his findings in a new web-based video course he calls Crush YouTube.
This new training will give you all the fundamental information you need to make YouTube videos that will get many views.
A high viewer count gives you some “bragging rights,” but that’s just the beginning.
Some percentage of your viewers will click through to the product page and, ultimately, buy the product you are promoting. If your click-through rate is, say, 3%, then even without changing your click-through percent, by getting more viewers, you raise your income.
The Crush YouTube video training course shows how to get more views than ever before by creating videos that are better focused and better optimized.
And, at the request of IM NewsWatch, Norrgann has offered a special reduced price, making this new training more affordable than ever.
If you want to discover how to optimize every aspect of your videos, and raise their position in the search engine results, then Norrgann’s training is the place to start.
Check it out here, while this reduced price is still available: Crush YouTube.
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