Sam Belt says, “You’re sitting at your desk writing a follow-up email for the sales call you just finished, when anemail tracking notification catches your eye: Paul Allen is viewing your Product Page.

You freeze.

Paul Allen is the decision maker at the white-whale account you’ve been chasing since you started on the team months ago, but to no avail.

Now, you’re faced with a dilemma common to a tech-savvy sales rep: do you call him right now? If you don’t follow up right away, you might miss a fleeting window of opportunity to speak with a very busy man.

But if Paul figures out you’ve tracked his activity and reacts negatively, that effectively closes the same window of opportunity forever.

What should you do?

Many sales teams are using technology to gain a deeper understanding of the buyers viewing their websites and emails — often unbeknownst to the prospect. While this information helps salespeople understand buyer behavior and tailor their outreach accordingly“.

4 Ways to Follow Up with Inbound Leads Without Being Creepy


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