Ina Toncheva says, “Once your mobile app is out in the wild, you begin to face limitations that make app distribution difficult.

Some of those limitations are rooted in the underlying structure of the world of mobile apps: Unlike the Web, where, inherently, content is linkable and websites are connected, mobile apps are usually gated behind the walls of their download pages in app stores and mobile content is hidden behind the apps’ homepages.

Having interacted with the Internet for years, we often take for granted the discoverability of content, websites’ interconnectivity, and our ability to update content on the fly. In the reality of mobile apps, those aren’t out-of-the-box characteristics.

This article will give you practical advice on how to…

  • Increase your app exposure on mobile search
  • Make your app content more easily discoverable
  • Avoid app resubmission to and approval from app stores for certain marketing-related changes”.

Three Future-Proof Tactics for Mobile App Marketers


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