‘Email shines over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend’ – Internet Retailer
Zak Stambor says, “Email accounted for 25.1% of e-commerce sales referrals on Black Friday, says one report, while another finds that marketing emails drove 25% more online sales over the weekend than they did a year ago.
Email marketing may not be flashy, but the channel drove a significant share of e-commerce orders over the holiday weekend and today.
25.1% of e-commerce transactions on Friday stemmed from shoppers clicking from emails, according to report by marketing platform vendor Custora. Another report, by Adobe Systems Inc.’s Adobe Digital Index, finds email marketing accounted for more than 15% of sales referrals between Thanksgiving and Sunday and the number of sales that resulted from shoppers clicking from an email and buying jumped 25% over the same period a year ago.
Custora’s report is based on data from roughly 500 million shoppers’ visits to more than 200 online retail websites; Adobe’s report is based on data from 150 million visits to 4,500 retail websites“.
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