Kristen Vanstrom says, “In 2013, SiriusDecisions revealed that as much as 60 to 70 percent of content produced by B2B companies goes unused by sales teams.

This finding, of course, led many a marketing leader to the realization that they’re spending an abundance of resources – time, budget, and talent – that’s essentially being wasted.

The majority of the content marketing works so diligently to create never has an opportunity to engage prospects and nurture leads.

A Buyer-Centric Approach to Content Is the Solution

In more tangible terms, that means that 60 to 70 percent of your marketing content budget is going to waste – maybe more. The problem, it seems, isn’t that marketing isn’t producing enough content, but perhaps that marketing isn’t getting the right feedback, such as content usage metrics and other KPIs that would indicate audience value perception and engagement“.

Are You Wasting Effort on Content?

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