‘Marketing Relationship Platform BuzzStream Unveils Search Engine For Influencers’ – ‘Marketing Land’ Article
Barry Levine says, “Awhile back, BuzzStream co-founder and CEO Paul May told me, his company put out an Advertising Guide to Content Promotion.
They wanted to promote it, and they began looking online for people who have written about that topic. They used Google and BuzzSumo, a tool that allows a marketer to find the best-performing content on a topic.
His staff had to then find the people behind the posts, see what else they had written, find and collect those other links and so on. It was, May said, like “going down a rabbit hole.”
So this week, his Austin, Texas-based company unveiled a free open beta of a new Discovery search engine for finding complete info about influencers.
This new offering is “a huge jumping off for the company,” he said — not really a new direction, but a more complete realization of BuzzStream’s original vision of bringing together the relationship“.
Marketing Relationship Platform BuzzStream Unveils Search Engine For Influencers
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