David Koji says, “The benefits of guest blogging are long established and undeniable. After all, guest-writing for someone else’s blog is a surefire way to introduce your brand to a new audience, earn quality backlinks and establish yourself as an industry thought leader.

Because of these benefits, businesses of all sizes should consider guest blogging as an important part of their content strategy.

Yet a potential problem exists with guest blogging. And that is that you have to make sure yours is an amazing piece of content which will stand out from the efforts of others trying to guest-blog in the same space. Want to gain the upper hand? Use the following tips.

1. Build your online presence beforehand.

Let’s say that you have a more than a decade of experience in your specific industry. But, you don’t have any sort of online presence to validate your expertise. Do you think that the owner or editor of an established blog is going to accept you as a guest writer?“.

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‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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