Paul Mandell says, “As we rush through our work during the year, it can be hard to focus on much other than hard data to tell us whether our staff is succeeding. Are productivity metrics improving? Have revenues increased? Have we met all our deadlines?

Analysis of such information is a critical element of management. However, there are other ways to evaluate whether your teammates are the right fit for the long term. As the end of the year approaches, it is a good time to take a step back, put the reports aside, and ask yourself some different questions to help you determine if you have the right team for long-term growth — as well as whom you should promote or release.

1. Are you inspired by the person?

A first question to consider is whether the employee inspires you in some way — small or large. Do you see behavior or output that makes you proud to be at the business? Does the commitment or creativity impress you or perhaps help you to be more effective in completing your own work?“.

3 Ways to Know If You Have the Right Team for 2016 and Beyond

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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