Brandon Olson says, “The online world is saturated with content. Need proof? Look at your inbox. How many promotional emails do you get on a daily basis? Or look at your Facebook news feed. I don’t even remember liking that page!

With so much content seemingly shoved in people’s faces, how do you break through the noise and grab someone’s attention?

It’s tempting to think: “I have to create more content so I can get noticed.” But don’t fall into this trap. The solution is surprisingly much simpler.

At our recent ASCEND Digital Marketing Summit, Jason Miller of LinkedIn put it this way:

“We don’t need more content, we need more relevant content.”

Providing relevant content helps you break through the noise because it gives people what they’re looking for at the right time in the right place. You’re providing them real value, and they’ll continue to come back to you for solutions to their challenges.

How Relevant Content Can Grow Your List and Increase Subscriber Engagement

Aweber Blog

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