‘Value Proposition Copywriting: 5 word pictures that got more people to buy’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog
Paul Cheney says, “Writing a value proposition is a lot like drawing a jellyfish in a game of Pictionary. Let me explain.
I was at a party recently where several people were playing a fiery game of Pictionary. One person who was particularly bad at the game started drawing a cylinder with a label on it.
Thick befuddlement settled on the guessing team.
After several wild guesses, the team rightly guessed that it was a jar of jelly. Then, much to the team’s dismay, the artist began to draw another picture. This time, luckily, his drawing clearly depicted a standard fish.
The word he held in his hand (the team finally discovered) was “jellyfish.”
Jar of jelly + fish = jellyfish
What the artist failed to realize in the heat of the game was that jellyfish are much easier to draw than either of those two things separately or together. It’s a half dome for the body; squiggly lines for the tentacles. Jellyfish. Next!
Too often, when trying to communicate something (like our value proposition) to our customers, we take the long way around. We use abstract language. We get lost in details that aren’t important“.
Value Proposition Copywriting: 5 word pictures that got more people to buy
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