Noah Kulwin says, “A few weeks ago, our editors told us to pick a significant event in 2015 and extrapolate how it would play out this year. Over the past week, we’ve run a number of those pieces, spanning Microsoft, Airbnb, Google and other big tech players. Here’s what Re/code is expecting this year:

  • “Microsoft Unified Windows in 2015. Now, It Needs People to Use It,” Ina Fried: Microsoft has had trouble making software platforms that are widely used beyond desktop PCs; the world is trending toward mobile, where Apple and Google dominate. In 2015, Microsoft made Windows a truly cohesive multi-platform operating system. This year, it has to make Windows into something that developers want to use.
  • “Square Went Public In 2015. What Now?” Jason Del Rey: Square survived going public this year, although its CEO was also named Twitter’s new boss, and its IPO valuation was less than what investors paid for in the private market. Square also built up an impressive array of new services for small business customers, which it says will be the future of its business.
  • “2016 Will be a Good Year – and a Hard Year – for Airbnb,” Noah Kulwin: Airbnb picked a lot of fights in 2015, but it won most of them, or gathered enough Uber-like momentum (and VC cash) to make its victories seem imminent. This year, Airbnb will likely win even more political battles, but don’t be surprised if things get even uglier”.

Re/wind: Here’s What Re/code Has to Say About 2016


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