Mike Renahan says, “After you’ve been a writer for a while, you start to catch your bad tendencies and learn how to correct them. For example, I used double negatives and weak verbs frequently when I was just starting out.

But after spending some time reviewing my work, I noticed the tendencies and was able to adjust. Now as soon as I type a double negative or a weak verb, I catch myself and correct it.

Like writers, sales reps often develop bad habits. But without paying attention to what they’re doing and examining their behavior, these habits can cause mistakes that end in deals falling apart, annoyed prospects, or missed quotas.

Just like a double negative can wreck an otherwise solid paragraph, all it takes is one cringeworthy phrase to kill a sales follow-up email. The phrase I’m thinking of is nothing short of poisonous to deals, and should be cut from the vocabulary of every sales rep“.

The Simple Phrase That’s Poison to a Sales Follow-Up Email


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