‘Use Competitive Analysis to Make Your Blog Irresistible’ – ‘Entrepreneur’ Blog
Sherry Gray says, “In a highly competitive market, the need for competitive intelligence is obvious. Market research is the core of any strategic business plan. Knowing what works for your competitors is the surest way to confirm your own ideas for marketing, and to weed out time-consuming plans destined to fall flat.
Content marketing is no exception. You can use the same tactics to develop your content that you use when you launch a new product or service. Competitive analysis gives you the opportunity to see what resonates with customers in your space and improve on those successes to make your business stand out.
Make sense of buzzword advice.
One thing I’ve noticed about content marketers is the repetition of industry buzzwords and platitudes about blog writing. Be authentic. Engage your customers. Write amazing content. You don’t hear a lot about the mechanics of doing all that“.
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