Nick Chowdrey says, When it comes to content marketing it isn’t just a case of “build it and they will come”.

You can invest as much as you want in the most amazing piece of engaging, interactive, content… but if you don’t do any promotion, it’ll sit on your site like a fallen oak gathering moss.

Every successful media company has at some point paid to increase its audience – so if you want to be a successful brand publisher, you have to do the same.

After all, the rise of content marketing has transformed every brand into its own mini publishing house.

With the rise of content marketing has come the dawn of paid content promotion.

Now that we understand the true business benefits of quality content production, brands are now not only interested in driving traffic to sales pages, but also in paying to promote their blog content.

Facebook, Outbrain & GDN: Which content promotion platform should I choose?

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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