Will Brooks says, “New salespeople seem to love to talk about price. They compare one product with another on the basis of cost, they go on about the discounts they can give, and they try to outsell the competition with claims of lower price.

But all that talking about price focuses your prospect’s attention on it, even if they weren’t overly concerned with cost at the beginning of the sales call.  Interestingly, studies show that the typical salesperson is a lot more concerned about price than is the typical customer.

Smart salespeople handle price as if it were a minor consideration. Of course, when the prospect makes it an issue, they deal with it effectively. But even then, they try to minimize its importance.

Follow these three tips on your next sales call to minimize the importance of price while still maintaining a healthy margin.

1) Focus on benefits, not features or price.

The best way to convey to your prospect that your product is the most appropriate solution to their problem (regardless of price) is to focus all your attention on the benefits“.

How to Prevent Buyers From Getting Hung Up on Price


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