Ben Davis says, Every year at CES, internet fridges delight the masses (of journalists) who scurry off to write arch pieces on the internet of things.

I didn’t attend CES, but nevertheless I’d like my oportunity to shout into the wind.

Please. I need this.

Some pieces are quite measured, of course. This excellent article in the FT looks upon these hulking connected devices as pointless but indicative of the falling cost of technology and slightly less silly in the context of the rising importance of the messaging app.

I find it hard to be so level-headed.

Take a look at the Samsung Family Hub refrigerator below, the fridge that sounds like it was named by a Tory party policy advisor. Take your time to read the copy and count how many times you snigger. Four? Me, too.

Why won’t internet fridges go away?

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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