‘5 Things You Can Do to Escape Google Penalties′ – ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog
Varun Sharma says, “A new year brings along new opportunities and new challenges. The SEO world, too, is preparing to combat unexpected threats, especially from various Google penalties.
What are those possible threats?
Imagine, you wake up one fine morning and get a call from the office reporting, “We have lost all traffic,” and your heart stops. It’d be no less than a nightmare… your worst nightmare, in fact.
But did you know this could really happen, at any time?
Whether you like it or not, websites in variety of niches depend on Google for a high percentage of their traffic. If you get hit by a penalty, anywhere from 10% to 50% of your traffic can be wiped out in an instant. According to Matt Cutts, around 400,000 of these kinds of actions are being initiated manually every month by Google. Many other sites are being penalized by Google algorithmic updates—especially the big boys, Penguin and Panda”.
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