‘B2B Email Testing: Validity threats cause Ferguson to miss out on 16% lift from Black Friday Test’ – ‘MarketingExperiments’ Blog
Daniel Burstein says, “At MarketingExperiments, we endeavor to teach you to bring the process of scientific discovery to your marketing campaigns to learn what your customers really want and improve results. And, to that end, we share experiments (along with successful case studies — 1,470 and counting — from our sister publication, MarketingSherpa).
But we can learn just as much from the stumbles, errors and mistakes we encounter on our journey of customer discovery. Unfortunately, those stories tend to be harder to get. So I want to laud the marketer we are going to discuss today for sharing an example of something that did not work.
Even successful marketers have losses. But the good ones learn from them.
Mary Abrahamson, Email Marketing Specialist, Ferguson Enterprises, is a successful marketer. So successful, in fact, that we recently featured her as the main story in a mini-documentary that highlighted her journey at MarketingSherpa Summit“.
B2B Email Testing: Validity threats cause Ferguson to miss out on 16% lift from Black Friday Test
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