Ian Cleary says, “Creating valuable content on your website through a blog post that demonstrates your expertise will help you to build your brand, drive traffic and create leads. But entrepreneurs often struggle to get enough visitors to validate the time they spend creating and promoting their content. However, if you write the right type of content and promote it the right way, you are guaranteed to get a lot more traffic.

In this article, we outline what you need to do to create your Influencer Group post. Follow the steps below to get the traffic.

1. Find a list of influencers in your industry.

You want to identify the people in your industry who have access to the audience you want to get access to. They should be influential online, have a large following, a high-authority website and a highly engaged community.

Create a list of these people and capture their email addresses, if possible“.

How to Get 1,000 Visitors to Your Next Blog Post Using an Influencer Group Post

‘Entrepreneur’ Blog

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