Parry Malm says, For the last three years, I’ve made predictions about various aspects of online marketing (see here for 2015 and 2014.) They’re mostly right, except for most of them.

This year, instead of soothsaying, let’s focus on things I wish would happen… but likely won’t.

So here’s some predictions for email marketing that won’t come true in 2016.

1. Automated campaigns won’t annoy any consumers, at all, ever. For reals.

Automation! Whoo! Who doesn’t love a “set it n’ forget it” campaign”?

Especially because consumers are too dumb to realise that it’s all a machine, and they for sure feel oh-so-special when they get seven emails over a 14-day period welcoming them to a company’s database.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Automation can be a good thing, in very specific (and limited) use cases.

Four predictions for email marketing that won’t come true in 2016

‘Econsultancy’ Blog

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