’30 Phrases That Kill an Introductory Sales Email’ – HubSpot
Mike Renahan says, “Making a great first impression on a prospect can be tantamount to the success of the relationship. First impressions, after all, are everything.
But how can a sales rep get off on the right foot with every prospect? Or maybe more importantly, how can they avoid souring the relationship before it even really begins?
It all starts with the first email a salesperson sends. This email sets the tone for the relationship going forward, so it’s important to get right.
But many salespeople unintentionally turn their buyers off without even realizing it due to poor word choice. Below are 30 commonly-used phrases that kill a relationship from the very first email.
1) “Hi, my name is and I work at … ”
Using this phrase indicates that you haven’t taken the time to become familiar to the prospect before sending this email. According to studies, cold emails are not effective. Instead, reps should build a rapport online before emailing a prospect“.
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