‘Freshen Up Your 2016 Email Strategy’ – Marketing Land
Jose Cebrian says, “It’s a new year, and predictions abound. I’m not interested in passively waiting to see if they come true; I’d rather take the “make it happen” approach. That means taking stock of where we are, articulating where we want to be, then prioritizing the steps it will take to get there.
These are my suggestions for starting 2016 off with a plan to identify areas for improvement in your email strategy and then make those improvements happen.
Figure Out Why People Are Signing Up For Your Program
I don’t think enough companies really study this part of their program. The first place to look is at your signup pages, such as offline sources, online purchases, signup boxes, online banking registrations, mobile app downloads and so on, to ensure you understand what’s driving your customers to sign up.
Review the content to ensure that messaging is compelling and consistent, and then make sure you are delivering on the expectations you’ve set. And I don’t mean just the email program itself“.
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